No fear, I am still working on painting and I have not switched to Orks. I am still loyally working on my Swordwind army, but I wanted to get another update up to show what I have been working on.
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Iw as working on an alternate painting project for a contest. One of my favorite podcasts, 40K Radio, had a painting contest to paint the Captain Badrukk ork model once it was released. I looked at the model at the local store and really like it. Unfortuneatly, I have no idea how I placed in the contest, as the 40K Radio hosts still have not posted the pictures for voting.
I figure I have waited long enough at this point, so its no big deal if I post my pictures. Here are two pics (Front and Back) of my Capt. Badrukk.

and the back:

I have also been playing WHFB with my Dwarves. One of my personal goals for 2009 was to get in a minimum of 1 game per week, along with some painting time. So far, since the start of the IFL WHFB League, I have been doing a pretty good job. I have a couple weeks with more than 1 game, and 1 week with no games. I have not been doing nearly as well painting every week, but I am getting work done. I painted up a squad of Hammerers, along with working through some terrain. I just completed the hill, and have some paint on two forest bases (2 bases, 6 trees). These will be good for use with both systems (WH40K and WHFB), so I do not feel too bad about taking the time.
The 5 Eldar rangers are still in progress. I need to complete the guns, put a wash on the cloaks, paint thier backpacks, and then customize the dead tau bits.
Thats all for now. I will keep updating and please let me know what your coments and critiques are. Also, anyone in the Northern VA area who would like to get in a game (40K or WHFB), please feel free to contact me. The GW Sterling VA store is great and I can get over there pretty quickly.