Eldar Rangers - Front

Eldar Rangers - Back

So where does that put me, and whats left to do?
*Complete* 1 Autarch with jump pack, mandi-blasters, fusion gun, Power weapon
1 Avatar (Forgeworld)
1 Farseer with swords
3 Warlocks with swords
*6 + 1 complete* 9 Howling Banshees plus 1 Exarch with mirror swords
*Complete* 5 Wraithguard
5 Firedragons plus 1 Exarch
4 Harliquins with Kisses plus 1 Shadow Seer plus 1 Troupe Master
3 Howling Banshees plus 1 Exarch with mirror swords
*Complete + Exarch* 9 Dire Avengers plus Exarch with Twin-Catapults
*Complete + Exarch* 9 Dire Avengers plus Exarch with Twin-Catapults
*Complete* 5 Pathfinders
6 Guardian Jetbikes (2 shurican cannon bikes)
Fast Attack
*Complete* 9 Warp Spiders plus 1 exarch with twin Spinners and Power blades
*Complete* 2 Falcon Grav Tanks
4 Dark Reapers plus 1 Exarch with Tempest Launcher plus 1 Exarch with Shurican Cannon
1 Wraithlord with Magnetized Weapons
3 War Walkers with Magnetized Weapons
*Complete* 1 Wave Serpent Grav Transports with Twin-linked Missile Launchers
1 Wave Serpent Grav Transports with Magnetized Weapons
I am at ~1700 points so can play some tourney level games now. I am not sure if my list is up to it and probably will not get many games in while the WHFB league is underway. I still have another month to 6 weeks before the end of the league, so time to add in some additional models. I have also decided to pick up an Eldar Titan once my tax return comes in, as the prices are still low. I want to save the money before the UK/US exchange rate changes for the more expensive. I am not planning to work on the Titan until I complete the list above. I am thinking of doing the jet-bikes and Wave Serpent next, as I should be able to knock them out fairly quickly with the spray gun. We shall see.