Its been over a week, so some of the details may be murky, but the Dead Tau Project took to the field once again for another game. This time I was starting to play-practice my list for the
40K Radio World-Wide-War in September. While I will try and post some details below, let me say that the game ended with my opponent stopping the final turn (turn 6) and instructing me on what he would do if he were in my place. When a game ends this way you know 2 things for certain:
1. You lost. Very likely you lost in a big embarrassing way!
2. Your opponent is a great sport, and is willing to help you instead of just curb-stomping you.
My thanks go out to Brian from the IFL for the game and the advice!
So, lets look at the face off:
HQAutarch (Mandiblasters, WJG, Power Weapon, Fusion Gun)Farseer (Doom, Fortune, Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Spear)Elite6x Fire Dragons
w/ Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, SCan, TL Brightlances)9x Banshees
w/ Banshee Exarch (Mirror Swords, Warshout, Acrobatic)w/ Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, SCan, TL Scatter Laser)Troops9x Dire Avengers
w/ Dire Avenger Exarch (Bladestorm, Defend, 2x Avenger SC)w/ Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, SCan, TL Missile Launcher)5x Dire Avengers
6x Jetbikes
w/ 2x SCan
Warpspidersw/ Warp Spider Exarch (Withdraw, Powerblades, 2x Deathspinner)Heavy1x Falcon
(Holo-field, Spirit Stones, Missile Launcher, SCan)My opponent brought Nurgle Daemons... something like this:
4 units of plague bearers (in unit strength 10 and 15)
1 unit of 6 nurgling bases
2 Daemon Princes
Record: 1-3-0So, while I cannot go through all the points of the game, let me sum up. At the end of the game, I had killed 1 Daemon Prince. He had NOT killed my serpents, my falcon, and my 5 damn Dire Avenger Vehicle Upgrade (DAVU). Ouch.
My biggest problem in the game, as I see, was dealing with Toughness 5. It was not so much that I did not have the tools, I think I did. In the army I have:
- 12 vehicle based Str 6+ shots
- 16 str 6 shots from the spiders
- 6 str 8 shots from the dragons
- 1 str 8 shot from the autarch
- 1 str 9 shot from the farseer
- 2 str6 shots from the bikes
Overall, I was simply not working my strategy around how hard T5 is to deal with. I did not focus fire on units to wipe them out and I focused very heavily on his big Daemons. I am not convinced this was the best strategy.I have to balance this against the knowledge that only his daemons had the ability to kill my tanks. Perhaps that was too much of a focus since all my tanks lived and he crushed my units.
Other issues were my farseer getting stuck in close combat, and not keeping my Banshees and DA together. I split them early in the game then hesitated to pursue the reason I split the squads. This left my Banshees out of the fight until the final turn, after my DA were already wiped out and the Farseer killed.
I would love to hear suggestions on how to deal with Nurgle Daemons. They seem like a tough army so I would expect to see them more as I play.