I got a good game in this week versus Jay's new ork army. It was a completely devastating loss, but the overall game was enjoyable. I am also scheduled for a challenge game today versus one of the IFL members Dark Eldar. I am looking forward to this game, as I believe he is playing a Witch Cult army. I have never played against DE, although I used to play them myself. It should be a fun game.
I am also headed out to Seattle on the 13th, for the trip that was canceled earlier in the year. My challenge still stands to any of the local Seattle 40K readers. I have time on Tuesday and on Wednesday when I could get a game in. I would love to bring my army along and play a good 1500 point game or two.
That's not the primary purpose for this post however. I wanted to get up a couple pictures of the Dead Tau Project on some of the more impressive tables at Warhammer World. I brought along my Farseer and one of my Dire Avenger Exarchs to take pictures of on the tables there. I have to admit that the 3 big tables were certainly awe inspiring. Each was 12' x 8' and had incredible terrain on it.
Here we have the DTP posing on the "Demo Table" in the Warhammer world Store. Incredible Cities of Death terrain built onto a fantastic table!
Here is the table. Looking close you can make out the DTP models.

Close-up of my DA Exarch

And the Farseer.

Next we ahve the "Apocolypse Tau" table. This was just used as terrain for a game so when the previous game finnished they cleared off much of the table. The Tau terrain looks great. You should recognize this from the picture in the apocolypse book on page 74.

I really enjoyed posing my models on this table. It was fitting to my army theme! Here we have the DA Exarch on the top of the Tau Tower.

And the Farseer near the shield generators.

Here we have an incredible Imperial Temple that was shown in a White Dwarf (I believe). I am having trouble finding where this was, so if anyone out there remembers the WD issue or the book its in, please let me know. This terrain was simply incredible, easily filling a 4x6 table on its own.

And here is a close-up of our DTP friends leaving the temple.

And finally we have the "Assault on Terra" table. This was simply incredible.

There were two "chaps" on the table fighting through a large battle for most of the time I was there. They were very generous to allow me to interrupt thier game toward the end of the day and snap a couple pictures. As a note, they were playing an 8000 point game (4K per side), and the table did not look cramped.

That's all for now. It is my intention to get on this weekend and post about my recent games (both vs Jay's orks and tonight's game vs DE). I also ask that anyone interested in playing a game while I am in Seattle let me know.
Hey hey. The Basilica was in the two issue spanning Eye of Terror battle report back in 2003. I think the issues of WD were something like 283 284 or 285. They are in a box in the garage though and I'm not to keen to go hunting for it.
ReplyDeleteWicked! Cities of Death?