Here is the Front view.

Back View.

and Side View.

Next projects are Tanks (Falcon) and a small squad of Banshees. I have magnetized the falcon weapons (still need to fix the missile launcher and create/magnetize a bottom mount Shurican Cannon), base coated teh bottom and top. I have also base coated 5 banshees and 1 exarch with executioner. Lastly, I glued together the exarch base.
Still have to paint the Falcon, create based for the 5 banshees, and paint up the squad. I will be putting a Devlen Mud wash on the banshees (white base coat), then following with a bleashed bone highlight on the armor. 3 layers of red (Mechrite Red, Scab Red, Blood Red) for the back of the banshee masks, then 2 layers of green (Dark Angels Green, Goblin Green) for the Exarch mask.
Now to head out to GW Sugarland to paint and maybe play some games.