Which day of Christmas was it that Santa gave 10 Dark Reapers a' Reaping? I do not think that was in the song, but they have certainly joined the Dead Tau Project! So today was very productive with my starting and completing the 10 Dark Reapers. I also got a base coat of green on the Wraith Lord. I will be switching back and forth between the Wraithlord and the Dark Reaper Exarchs over the next couple days.
Lets take a closer look:

I used the Cool Tone Black Armor painting guide in White Dwarf 360. I added in a purple wash to tie the models together (armor to guns). Overall I think it came out good, but the real test will be comments from my opponents and normal gaming partners. I will be particularly interested to here the comparison between the pictures here and how they look on the table.
On my last post I received a question about my bases from Old Shatter Hands from the Tau of War blog (a great blog I follow). The question was
"The only quesiton I have is why you left the bases unpainted. do you intend to paint the flock or not? "I started the army basing using the Tau bits, then painting the actual black bases with Dheneb Stone. Over this I covered the bases with Sand, as the goal was to represent the DTP fighting on a desert world. Recently I have begun to regret my decision to leave the sand unpainted and only seal it with purity seal. Unfortunately, I am so far into the project I have been hesitant about the amount of work required to re-prime and paint all the sand bases. At some point I may change my mind, but for now I am sticking the the theme as it keeps the army consistent.
So I will be headed out to the Iron Fist League 4th quarter tournament in Woodbridge this Saturday. It was pushed out due to snow, but it looks like everything is a go for the rescheduled date. It will be a 3 game 2000 point tournament, with the field looking very heavily filled with Marines. I will do my best to remember how the games go, and will post some type of recap regardless of how shoddy my memory is.