Banshee Exarch from the side

Banshee Exarch from the Front


I am headed out to GPC tomorrow to play some 5th edition games. I am going to create a 1500 and a 1750 list to take with me. Should be interesting as I am clearly still learning 5th edition. Also, it will be a full game return to the Eldar, which I am looking forward to.
As an update, my progress is as follows:
*Complete* 1 Autarch with jump pack, mandi-blasters, fusion gun, Power weapon
1 Avatar (Forgeworld)
1 Farseer with swords
3 Warlocks with swords
*Complete* 9 Howling Banshees
*Complete* - Exarch with mirror swords
*Complete* - Exarch with Executioner
*Complete* 5 Wraithguard
5 Firedragons
- Exarch (weapon load-out TBD)
4 Harliquins with Kisses
- 1 Shadow Seer
- 1 Troupe Master
*Complete* 9 Dire Avengers
*Complete* - Exarch with Twin SC
*Complete* 9 Dire Avengers
*Complete* - Exarch with Power Weapon/Shimmershield
*Complete* 5 Pathfinders
4 Guardian Jetbikes
2 Guardian Jetbikes w/ shurican cannon
Fast Attack
*Complete* 9 Warp Spiders
*Complete* - Exarch with twin Spinners and Power Blades
*Complete* 2 Falcon Grav Tanks
4 Dark Reapers
- Exarch with Tempest Launcher
- Exarch with Shurican Cannon
1 Wraithlord with Magnetized Weapons
3 War Walkers with Magnetized Weapons
*Complete* 1 Wave Serpent Grav Transports with Magnetized Weapons
1 Wave Serpent Grav Transports with Magnetized Weapons
*Complete* 1 Bonesinger (Farseer or Warlock substitute)
Never rush your paint jobs, the result you have achived here is awful and will just make it harder in the long run. I can see the effort you have put into the base and the Tau. Just slow down a little hun and use thinner layers of paint and your results should be much better! :)