Above you see another in my picture stream of GW locations I have visited. This is me posing in front of the GW Chicago Battle Bunker. I have to admit that the Chicago Bunker made the Baltimore and Seattle bunkers look very sad. I am looking forward to getting back to the Seattle Bunker next month (August) and getting a picture.
The Seattle bunker is huge..... Huge I tell you. The main room was the same size as the Baltimore bunker, and set up in a similar fasion. Then there was the gaming room, with additional tables, connected to that main room. I was very impressed!
Second impressing thing was the expansive city-fight table that they had set-up. I only have a picture of 1/3 of the table, but here it is:

Hanging out with the DLT crew at the bunker was very cool. I had a great game against Richard and overall I was a very good night. AT one point during the night I came around the corner and ran into someone who I recognized from his Web-Video's. I was happy to meet Battlefoam Romeo in person and we had a great chat! He is a great guy and I hear his game vs DLT Mack was a good game. Above that, Romeo's Daemon army looked fantastic!
I should have gotten some additional pictures of me with Romeo and me with the DLT crew, but alas my brain shut down on the photography end. Lessons learned for next time......