Saturday, August 9, 2008

Airbrush Update

Well, I actually sat down yesterday to take a look at the Avengers and start painting on highlights. Unfortunately, they needed a new coat of base paint due to the original brushing not hitting all the spots. I pulled out the airbrush and cans of air and went to town. The can froze after only hitting a couple models and basically I realize how bad the cans suck.

So, I have picked up a compressor and completed the airbrushing (base and wash) or the avengers. For those who are looking for a little compressor, I strongly recommend stopping into AC Moore. AC Moore has 40% off coupons on the internet that can be used for 1 item. I took the coupon and picked up a Badger 1810 compressor and a airhose. You will need an airhose but the store has them in the same case as the compressor. The air-bursh end of the hose fits the Citidel Airbrush perfectly.

Overall, the compressor is not to loud and the paintbrush works well. The pressure seemed to be a little lower than the can, but the paint seems to go on evenly.

Now I am back to where I thought I was 2 weeks ago, I need to highlight my Avengers and then paint up the bases.